Furphy / SAKURA PIGMA Calligrapher 30 |
Furphy[fur-fee] 는 원래 '헛소문', '잘못되거나 황당한 이야기'라는 의미의 호주의 속어입니다만, 이 말은 제 1 차 세계대전 때 J. Furphy and Sons of Shepparton, Victoria 에서 제작한 물운반차의 운전사들이 병영을 돌아다니며 헛소문을 퍼뜨린 것에서 유래했다고 합니다. 이 물운반차는 1880년 대에 강철과 주철로 처음 만들어졌으며, 전쟁 동안 호주, 유럽 그리고 중동 지역에서 주로 사용되었습니다.
Furphy 물탱크의 뒷판 (wikipedia) |
호주의 저널리스트이자 작가인 Peter Fitzsimons는 그의 책 '갈리폴리(Gallipoli)에서 'Furphy'라는 단어의 유래를 1차 세계대전 당시 대영제국을 원조하기 위한 군대의 출정일에 관한 소문을 퍼트린 장본인 'Furphy'라는 물운반차에 있다고 보고 있습니다.
훈련소나 각 부대에 물을 대주러 출입하던 사람들이 그곳에서 들은 이야기를 여기저기 퍼트리고 다녀서 이 말이 생겨났다고 합니다. 그냥 줏어들은대로 떠들고 다녔을테니 정확한 것도 아니었을 것이고. 사실이라 해도 군 당국에서 계획을 바꿔 소문을 헛소문으로 만들었겠지요....
다음은 Wikipedia의 영문 설명입니다.
A furphy is Australian slang for a rumour, or an erroneous or improbable story, but usually claimed to be absolute fact. Furphies are usually heard first or secondhand from reputable sources and, until discounted, widely believed. The word has been widely believed to have been derived from water carts designed and made by a company established by John Furphy: J. Furphy & Sons of Shepparton, Victoria. The steel and cast iron tanks were first made in the 1880s and were used on farms and by stock agents.[1] Many Furphy water carts were used to take water to Australian Army personnel during World War I in Australia, Europe and the Middle East.[1] The carts, with "J. Furphy & Sons" written on their tanks, became popular as gathering places where soldiers could exchangegossip, rumours and fanciful tales—much like today's water cooler discussion.
In his book "Gallipoli", Peter Fitzsimons suggests that the term furphy originated at a training camp at Broadmeadows, Victoria where a chap of the name Furphy would spread rumours of the embarkation date for the troops to go to Europe to assist the British Empire in the Great War.
Another suggested explanation is that the rumbling of an approaching water cart sounded like the firing of artillery, thus causing a false alarm. It is also used to refer to a foolish mistake, although the etymology of that is uncertain.
It is possible that the word was also influenced by John Furphy's equally prominent brother, the popular 19th-century Australian author Joseph Furphy (1843–1913). However, Joseph was generally published under the pseudonym "Tom Collins".
Scuttlebutt has a similar etymology, a scuttlebutt originally being a cask of drinking water on a ship.
The Furphy family businesses (J. Furphy & Sons and Furphy Foundry) were established in 1864 and as a part of the 150 year celebrations a museum has been opened in Shepparton.